Ventilation in pre-school establishment:

Ventilation in pre-school establishment:

  1.  Why is absence of forced ventilation dangerous in pre-school establishments?
  2.  There is no forced ventilation in the majority of pre-school establishments.
  3.  Fresh air in pre-school establishments is not a luxury, it is a life necessity.
  4.  How to arrange ventilation in pre-school establishments?
  5.  Intake-extract ventilation with heat recuperation.

Children are more vulnerable to external stimuli and more acutely react to uncomfortable conditions. The priority number one is a healthy microclimate in a pre-school educational establishment.


Why is absence of forced ventilation dangerous in pre-school establishments?

The air exchange in pre-school establishments is far from the norm. Usually, the indication is five times lower than it is necessary. To balance this situation in some way, the personnel have to open windows in these establishments. Consequently, they lose precious warmth, in fact, they spend money, which they use on heating, for nothing.

That is why, energy auditors consider the absence of ventilation to be the biggest drawback in kindergartens. As a result, windows get damp and mould appears on the walls. In its turn it leads to the building damage and worsening of children’s well-being.


• Absence of fresh air causes frequent illnesses of children and intensification of chronic allergic reactions.

• Without necessary air exchange viruses, which get into the premises, will circulate and breed freely and go from one child to another.

• In the closed premises the level of oxygen decreases gradually, which also weakens a child’s organism in the time of virus epidemy.

• As an alternative to absence of ventilation, open windows create draughts which are also dangerous for health.

• Children experience slowness in development, tiredness and apathy in the premises which are not ventilated. A syndrome of constant fatigue can also develop.

There is no forced ventilation in the majority of pre-school establishments.

According to state engineering norms of Ukraine for buildings and constructions of preschool establishments, the obligatory arrangements of ventilation ducts in toilet facilities and kitchens is foreseen. Also it is recommended to install forced intake-extract ventilation.


However, in the majority of kindergartens there is only natural ventilation, which means that the air gets inside through the holes in windows, doors, and roofs. In spite of the fact that nowadays plastic air proof windows are installed more and more often in kindergartens, the effect of natural ventilation is almost brought to nothing. That is why there is no way out without forced ventilation.

Fresh air in pre-school establishments is not a luxury, it is a life necessity.

As pre-school establishments are expected to have big premises with a big number of people, their ventilation is obligatory. And only natural ventilation will not cope here (extract central ducts and open windows are not enough).

Artificial intake-extract ventilation is designed in kitchens, toilets and washing facilities.

How to arrange ventilation in pre-school establishments?

  1. Before taking a decision to buy a recuperator, please, pay attention to the preliminary process of the choice of ventilation installation. It is necessary to take into account the functional purpose of the premise: a bed-room, a play-room, a kitchen, a dressing-room, toilet facilities. It is really important to understand where and how long children spend their time.
  2. The volume of air exchange per one hour in kindergartens is calculated depending on the area of the premises. In addition to this, a special factor (multiplicity factor), which is foreseen by state engineering norms, is considered.

S*h*k = m3/h

For example, if a play-room has an area of 50m2 and 3m high, so it is necessary to have 225 m3/h of fresh air every hour.

3. It is prohibited to install transit air channels across bedrooms and play-rooms.

Intake-extract ventilation with heat recuperation.

The function of the ventilation system in a pre-school establishment is too timely and in the required amount replaces polluted air with the fresh one. Ventilation can be extracted (capable to function only with not tightly closed windows) or intake-extract. In the second case design of ventilation and heating is often performed with consideration of heat recuperation possibility: processed air goes next to an intake channel, giving it a part of the heat. Not the least important is the quality of a heat exchanger. The best variant is either a disc-shaped or copper heat exchanger.

Specialists recommend to install recuperators as the most energy saving option in ventilation. There is no doubt that a ventilation system is a strategic decision: it is necessary to design first, then to buy recuperators and then to install systems. However, the usefulness of recuperators is evident in the first year of their operation: there is always fresh air in the premises, heat losses decrease considerably and children get sick more seldom in the epidemic period.

Why you should order from us:

Service package: we design, produce, install

Use of state-of-the-art technologies and innovative developments

The best balance between a price and quality

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Quality guarantee: CE quality certificates, international patents

15-year experience

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