Is there condensation on plastic windows? Is there increased humidity in the premises?

Wooden windows with holes have mostly been replaced by plastic airproof ones. This has solved the problem of heat saving, however, another problem has appeared: windows get damp and they “cry”. This is the consequence of low temperature of the glass at excessive humidity.

Why does condensation appear on plastic windows?

The matter is that there was circulation of air through the holes in old windows. In new ones, because of tight proofness of the frame, we need another source of air circulation. Of course, you can open windows and ventilate your premises more often. Though this will cause bigger energy costs.

There is one more important issue. If there is condensation inside a glass unit, it means that vacuum tightness is broken. There is only one way out! You have to change the glass unit. In case if droplets of water appear on the glass surface outside the window unit, that is on the room side of the glass unit, it means that there is a ventilation problem. It means that there is a malfunction in the system of air exchange. Humidity is accumulated but because of the low temperature of the window surface it is condensed and we can see as windows “cry”.


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What can we do to stop windows “crying”?

The most important thing to avoid condensation emergence on windows is to organize proper ventilation of good quality in the premises. Do not ignore this issue. It is better to get help from professionals. Durability of your redecorations and even your health depend upon that! Your windows always will be dry and air in the premises will be fresh with innovative PRANA decentralized ventilation systems.

PRANA recuperator is, no doubt, the best solution in ventilation.